Crazy dane who came to Kosovo. Learned to play Texas hold'em and thinks he is damn good at it, but still, he needs to learn how to fish...still not to good at that! Practice Practice!!! Loves good food!! Downhere is plenty :P Gets dizzy when he sees a beautyful girl, so most of the time he is fooling around, but missing his wife. Besides that.... He has two big posters of Michael Jackson hanging on his wall...It's true!!! Left for good 31/8 2007 R.I.P
Peter Prahl
Came here on team 13 Nov. 2005 ....still here...not.... I am the quiet type, especially after an evening with good friends, a few drinks (or more) and a little Taxi help from the Kosovo police... I'm not the fishing type but i am willing to go fishing as long as we have lots of pink toiletpaper (napkins) and nice (real) toilets in a range of 18 km. - Cannot hold it in longer.. I know my way around a camera and "i never have enough space on my harddisc's" Btw. I like Carribbean & Texas Hold'em Poker!!...!!!!! Left for good at 31/8 2007 R.I.P..... Ooops!! Came back 1/3 2009 still here now..
Patrick Lundmark
Normal svensk heelt normal..................NOT!!!! I'm actully cheating in the pic on my own blog... There is no big fish at the end of the lines, only small ones (check the link a little lower: Patrick's fiske ) And I really don´t stink as much as Per at Texas hold'em I think Per is the greatest fisherman i know!!! (NOT 2!!!!) Left for good 31/07/2007 R.I.P (NOT 3!!!!) It's April 2008 and i am back in Kosovo.....Now as a manager in the swedish "Camp Victoria" near Pristina.
Henrik Nordin
Crazy Swedish cook, has been in Kosovo too long, total poker crybaby (Tudefjäs) God damn it (KRAFTHELVEDE!! og hvad hedder din käreste?) Boss with a big B!! - His specialty: Papers, papers, papers in triplicats...And fighting with the numbers in the Kitchen, making ends meet. After 8 years in Kosovo he has relised that there are a home country after all. Left for good 31/07/2007 R.I.P
Damn that was pure luck....
but at least i didn't come as
urime to peter
lucky ass... 3 times dobbel ace
Peter congrats
but its no suprice that you won once more! :o)
Go Peter,go Peter you are the champ,my friend .
did Per Came No:4 or What
come on per tell the truth ,you was No :4-EVER
no, pernille was no. 4
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