
No not again!

Its not only Ecuador how refuse to sell beer during elections.....damn it!!!

HD ready ????

Peace brothers!

Friendly hippie from Kazaksthan


Per on the big ocean

I was lucky.... 5,8 kg SURPRICE..... :O)


Poker tournament in Cor -Ibar Bar -40 Players

and the winner was .....

Poker night in Hillerød. - 8 players...

After a little testround of Poker was done, the serious round began...

Of course it was one of "Team Villa Bahtir" that won, and the other from same team, ended as no. 3

Peter was the winner!!
Per felt a little "low" but proud that he was no. 3
His final words was: Pheew, i could have ended as no. 4rmend

(Per feeling "low")