

Brother Numsy.

Big Boss had enough!!

Goodbye from the Big Boss

8 Years are a looooong time, and you will make a lot of friends during that time.

I will herby take the opportunity to say goodbye to the ones I haven’t been able to do so in person.

I have never seen or worked with better staff, then during my last 3 years and 9months in the kitchen in COR.

So for all of you my friends thank you and see you later.

Henrik Nordin


What the f**k??

The 4 Madkosovos invites you to our Farewell party

We invite all our friends to our farewell party for the 4 Madkosovos on the 28th July (yes, we are all going home for good!)

Where: Mitrovica, Zhabare.
Start 19,00
Food and drinks will be served.

If you have a problem locating the house, please call Patrick on 044-427771 for assistance.

The 4 Madkosovos are finally going home!


Big belly competition

Stiff competition
who has the biggest
The proud winner, the belly to the left !!!


Pekka & Big Boss on the way out in the Big Big World

Pekka & Big Boss

Purchasing tickets to go home 31 July

Everything nice has an end, after nearly 8 years for Big Boss and nearly 4 years for Pekka in Kosovo, new challanges awaits in the big world.


BBQ on a typical danish "summer" day!

Grilling the meat in 25 degrees celsius
And the sky opens
My wife with an umbrella
A little help from my "indian hair dryer" saves the day!


WHAT Per caught a BIG fish ......

Something strange... it must be the climat changes that happens to us. (Even Per looks suprice on the picture). Anyway nice fish Per keep up the good work!

Big fire on Our mountain.

I mean HUGE fire. Check out the flames compared to roads and houses. As far as I know nobody is injured

